Danforth - Kingston 4 All
We are a group of local residents who want to improve Scarborough and make it safer, more inviting, and more accessible for all.
Today Danforth Ave and Kingston Rd are hostile, uninviting, and dangerous to everyone, including people walking, people using a mobility device, people riding bikes, people taking transit, and people driving.
We want to ensure that these streets are reconfigured in a way that makes them safer, more vibrant, and exciting destinations for everyone, regardless of their method of travel, while still facilitating efficient travel through the area both for current residents and people who will move into this area and beyond as the city continues to grow.
Phase 2, Public Consultations? Planned for Fall 2024?
Three public consultation events were held in June 2024. (Phase 1)
At these meetings City of Toronto staff planned to release a Summary Report in fall 2024, recapping the input collected. Staff also stated that a second round of public consultations were also planned in fall 2024, where detailed design options would be presented for comment.
Currently, we are still waiting for both the Phase 1 Summary Report, and dates for the Phase 2 Consultation!
What is a Complete Street?
A complete street is a street designed to meet the needs of all road users, whether they walk, use a mobility device, ride a bike, take a bus, or drive a car
The goal of a complete street is to ensure that streets are safe and accessible for people of all ages and abilities regardless of their method of transportation.
Complete streets reimagine our streets as safer, more vibrant, and exciting public spaces built for everyone that still facilitate efficient travel.
Complete streets are places that are built for all of us, regardless of the method of travel we choose.
They are safer and more inviting for residents who shop and run errands on these streets, for local businesses trying to attract and retain new customers, for children traveling to and from school, and for visitors eager to explore somewhere new.
About the Danforth-Kingston Complete Street Extension
The City of Toronto has a project to extend the Danforth complete street east from Danforth Ave and Victoria Park Ave to Kingston Rd, and along Kingston Rd from Danforth Ave to Scarborough Golf Club Rd.
There is also a planned extension south along Birchmount Rd to enable safe access to the Birchmount Community Center.
The window for the installation is closing (again), and we do not want to wait another 4 to 5 years for safety and revitalization improvements to Scarborough Southwest.
You can sign up for project updates, keep track of the progress, communicate with the city staff leading this project, and learn about upcoming community consultations on the city's Danforth-Kingston Complete Street Extension project page.